Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hmm, the critique went I think as I expected. It was more about how to fix/improve it than anything else. Though I was unaware at the clique-ness of the water drop, (though it was actually caramel in my picture) I just wanted to see my technique in realism vs. abstraction. The piece was more of a break piece for me, allowing me to stop working on something so serious and play with charcol again. It was more about process, shapes and marking. I hated the final piece of course, and was upset with the lameness of my effort level on it, but I'm happy to be back working on my children's book.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Art Lessons

I think the thought of the artist as being someone "who does everything as best they can" is silly. No one can actually measure someone's "best." The definition is so soft and general it doesn't mean anything. But I did enjoy hearing the history of the word vocation and seeing how it was brought out into al walks of life. But she mentioned that if every artists viewed what they do as a vocation art would be "new." I most artists in our world view what they do as a vocation they are passionate about, so I don't think it's something to change, rather encourage.

I agree with feeding our art with cultural research. That's where we can find inspiration and questions to go off of, whether it's cultural theory, tradition, or style. I always need reminding about the material persistence. If I can't use it well right away I don't want to try again, but I can get good at it if I practice, just like almost everything else in life.

Overall I have a difficult time connecting with the author as well. I read a few chapters of this book in Senior Seminar last semester and found it difficult to write a paper on it. Her personal experiences don't connect with me, and I feel she presents herself in an arrogant sort of way. I admire confidence, but find conceit distasteful.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Who I am

The first thing I always want to identify myself with is God. He's my BFF hands down and I find purpose, joy, satisfaction in Him. He's pretty much the best thing ever. As a side note I'm a Dungeon Master, Video Gamer, Singer and Cook. As far as being an "Artist" goes, I believe that title falls under my other descriptors.

What kind of person am I? I am a dreamer not a completer. I love the beginning, dabbling, trying and testing, but hate finishing. For this reason I love drawing. Drawing in itself is a beginning of many things, but the end of very few. And I hate drawing, because by loving it, I turn it into an end.

When it comes to what I do, I like to stay closely related to commissions because I love serving others. But I also enjoy creating clever, quirky, fantastical adventurous things. This is probably the reason I enjoy surreal art so much, I love how clever people can get when it comes to pushing the boundries on objects.