Thursday, December 18, 2008


So yea, it's the end of the semester and I didn't do much with the Blog. I'm terrible at doing online postings on a regular basis, I can't even check my email regularly. Aside from that I really enjoyed the semester aside from the blog.

I find it FANTASTIC being able to do actions and feel the bones beneath my skin and actually know what the bones look like, and how they connect and rotate in the joint. It's a little creepy, but my understanding of the movement has increased so much from the beginning of the year.

This semester I also finally started to understand the concept of drawing with your whole arm and not just the wrist or hand. Not only does it bring life to the drawing but it is SO much faster. At the start of my school education I was extremely meticulous in how I drew and needed to refine everything, but all the studios I've taken has taught me to be flexible and spontaneous. It has been so liberating to just draw and not erase.

I greatly look forward to next semester when I have more freedom to actually explore a specific area of study. I want to look in to expressions and how the start to form on the face, also I want to dabble in some extreme body movement studies, particularly in the area of dance. Then taking both these studies and merging them into a fantasy atmosphere.

Yea! I can't wait for next semester!


Unfortunately I wasn't able to come in and finish the shading on this, but I think it turned out decent for a 3 hour ordeal.

Self Portrait

I'm pretty frustrated with the self portraits. I've never been able to make an image look like me if I didn't do the square map out. Unfortunately it looks like it hasn't changed. Though because of what I might study next semester, it might change this.


Study of the facial features

Study of the skull

study of the skull

Second Skelly

First Skelly


Hand drawing, the last thing we did before starting on the skull. I do wish I had exaggerated those middle and front bones a little more, the planes become a little flat.

Leg and Arm

About mid-semester. Learning how to do planar drawings of the bones and such.